Various efforts utilizing different technologies to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 are underway. Among the industries in which a certain amount of CO2 emissions is unavoidable, known as hard-to-abate industries, CCS technology is considered one of the viable options for practical implementation. The Carbon Management Subcommittee led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has highlighted the need for government support of social implementation of CCS, and JOGMEC is advancing necessary initiatives to achieve this goal.
Traditionally, JOGMEC has been engaged in CO2-EOR technology as part of its enhanced oil recovery efforts. Additionally, JOGMEC has a track record of developing CO2 separation and capture technologies, such as membrane separation technologies. Leveraging these previous efforts, we aim to apply existing technologies to CCS projects.
Furthermore, following the amendment of the JOGMEC Law in 2022, JOGMEC has begun new initiatives directly related to the commercialization of CCS, launching the Advanced CCS Project in 2023. These efforts include exploring the business models involving carbon credits necessary for the commercialization of CCS and initiating discussions on the cross-border transportation required for launching projects abroad. Additionally, preparations are being made to start new projects for suitable site investigations specifically for CCS.
Our immediate goal is to establish CCS projects by 2030, and we will implement various efforts in an integrated manner to move forward. We will continue to disseminate information, and we encourage you to refer to the related information below.
Director General
CCS Project Department
Ryuta Kitamura